Faculty member |
_____________________________________________________ |
Course number |
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Course title |
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Fall____Spring_____ Year __________ |
Please check the options that you are using to fulfill the 4th credit hour in your course this semester. Indicate to the right of the option the approximate number of hours per semester per student (for a total ofÊ 30-40 hours, including studentsâ preparation time) that you will allot to each option. |
____ |
Peer critique sessions______hours/semester |
____ |
Additional writing assignments ______hours/semester |
____ |
Regularly scheduled student/instructor conferences ______hours/semester |
____ |
Writing Center tutorials ________hours/semester |
____ |
On-line editing and grammar exercises ______hours/semester |
____ |
Student/student or student/faculty email critiques ______hours/semester |
____ |
Lectures on rhetoric or writing issues (if available)________hours/semester |
____ |
小福利导航â attendance at readings by visiting writers _______hours/semester |
____ |
Additional reading assignments or library work _______hours/semes |
____ |
Other (please explain and indicate hours/semester):