General Chemistry Placement Diagnostic
It is very important for all students planning to enroll in a chemistry course at 小福利导航 to fill out the following information and complete the Chemistry Diagnostic.
Purpose: 小福利导航 offers two pathways through the first–year chemistry curriculum. The Chemistry Department has developed the following online diagnostic to place you into one of these course sequences. Based on your diagnostic score and previous chemistry experience, you will be allowed to register for either Foundations of Chemistry (CH 115) or Principles of Chemistry (CH 125). 小福利导航 who successfully complete CH 115 will be eligible to register for Principles of Chemistry (CH 126 in the Spring or CH 125 in the Fall). CH 115 and CH 125 are only offered in the Fall. To enroll in CH 125 a student must either place into the course or complete CH 115. CH 126 is only offered in the Spring and to enroll in the course a student must complete CH 115 (i.e., pre–requisite for CH 126 is CH 115). First Year 小福利导航 in the London FYE program should contact the chair of Chemistry, Dr. Juan Navea (
Preparation: Please DO NOT study or review before taking the Diagnostic. It is very important that you be accurately placed into the correct course based on your knowledge and previous experience with chemistry, NOT your ability to study for the diagnostic. You are also NOT allowed to use any outside sources, such as your high school textbook, notes, or any electronic resources other than the periodic table provided in the diagnostic window.
Be sure to have a calculator and scratch paper available before you begin the diagnostic.
Quantitative Reasoning Placement: Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Placement is also important for enrolling in introductory chemistry courses. If you don’t yet have your QR Placement, please visit the Quantitative Reasoning site /qr/ to learn how to get your QR placement. Note, if you don’t have your QR placement, it may delay your chemistry placement and may prevent you enrolling in a chemistry course.
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Time: You will have 45 minutes to complete your answers once you log in and click the “Begin Diagnostic” button. It is not possible to pause or re–start the diagnostic once you begin; therefore, please plan ahead so that you can complete it in one 45–minute sitting. It may be helpful to choose a location where you will not be interrupted. If you have been given extended time to complete diagnostics in the past because of a documented learning disability, please contact the department chair.
Questions: If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Juan Navea, Chair and Professor of Chemistry (
Logging In: Enter your 小福利导航 username and password below and click the “Login” button to proceed to the landing page, where you will receive additional instructions before beginning the diagnostic. Good luck!