ࡱ> 9;8{ bjbjzz *44ot$")kkkkkkV@Qb +* ?0o6T5#5#5#Pka o5#4 T: Faculty Handbook Motions September 5, 2008 1. The Faculty Executive Committee moves that Part Six, Article VII, Section C, Number 2, a and b and c be revised as follows. Add new second bullet to all three sections (complainant and respondent and witness will not have the right to . . .) record the proceedings Rationale: Recording devices could breach the confidentiality of the proceedings. 2. The Faculty Executive Committee moves that Part Six, Article VIII, Section B be revised as follows: Omit processing. Old language: If circumstances warrant, the College reserves the right to extend any processing time periods identified in this policy. Proposed language: If circumstances warrant, the College reserves the right to extend any time periods identified in this policy. Rationale: This section of the FH notes that Federal regulations require a complaint to be filed with appropriate agencies within 180 days, which means that is the outer limit for the entire process within С. However, the 60 day limit (see Part Six, Article VII, Section B) for a report to be filed after the alleged incident may be too rigid. Complainants may need more time to get to the point where they feel able to bring the complaint and semester breaks may also contribute to delays. This rewording creates more flexibility. College Counsel has suggested that the 60 limit remain a guideline rather than a strict rule. 3. The Faculty Executive Committee moves the adoption of the 2008-2009 Faculty Handbook. Note: Parts One-Five were previously adopted 11/2/07. Part Six was previously adopted 2/29/08. The complete list of Faculty Handbook changes is available at the Governance website in pdf format. The link below takes you to the 2008-09 handbook and a list of changes, as well as handbooks from previous years.  HYPERLINK "http://cms.skidmore.edu/academic_affairs/secure/handbook/index.cfm" http://cms.skidmore.edu/academic_affairs/secure/handbook/index.cfm #&)*,HZqy| ' ? @      )  ƺƮƺƝ{sƺƝsssksh"CJaJh?CJaJhslhOfCJaJhslhOf>*CJaJhShOfCJaJhSCJaJh?5CJaJh?hOf5CJaJh?h?5CJaJh?hS5CJaJhSh%CJaJhShbgCJaJhShSCJaJhF^hS6CJaJ*+,& ' > ?     gdbg^gd?gdS & F 8^8gdSgdOf$a$ 7 b j | } 9 x Shy+./ƺ҈}}q}i}}}ZjhShbgCJUaJhslCJaJhShbg6CJaJhShbgCJaJhShbgCJ\aJh?hS5CJaJh?hbg56CJaJh?h%5CJaJh?hbg5CJaJh?h?5CJaJhShSCJaJh[\h[\CJaJh[\CJaJh?CJaJh"CJaJ# -.^^gdbg^gd?gdbg/hShbg0JCJaJjhShbgCJUaJ#jhShbgCJUaJhShbgCJaJ(/ =!"#$% DyK Chttp://cms.skidmore.edu/academic_affairs/secure/handbook/index.cfmyK http://cms.skidmore.edu/academic_affairs/secure/handbook/index.cfm^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH 8`8 SNormal_HmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List :>@: Title$a$5CJtH u6U@6 Hyperlink >*B*phFVF FollowedHyperlink >*B* phPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! I_TS 1?E??ZBΪmU/?~xY'y5g&΋/ɋ>GMGeD3Vq%'#q$8K)fw9:ĵ x}rxwr:\TZaG*y8IjbRc|XŻǿI u3KGnD1NIBs RuK>V.EL+M2#'fi ~V vl{u8zH *:(W☕ ~JTe\O*tHGHY}KNP*ݾ˦TѼ9/#A7qZ$*c?qUnwN%Oi4 =3N)cbJ uV4(Tn 7_?m-ٛ{UBwznʜ"Z xJZp; {/<P;,)''KQk5qpN8KGbe Sd̛\17 pa>SR! 3K4'+rzQ TTIIvt]Kc⫲K#v5+|D~O@%\w_nN[L9KqgVhn R!y+Un;*&/HrT >>\ t=.Tġ S; Z~!P9giCڧ!# B,;X=ۻ,I2UWV9$lk=Aj;{AP79|s*Y;̠[MCۿhf]o{oY=1kyVV5E8Vk+֜\80X4D)!!?*|fv u"xA@T_q64)kڬuV7 t '%;i9s9x,ڎ-45xd8?ǘd/Y|t &LILJ`& -Gt/PK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!0C)theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]  /   .X8@0(  B S  ?+--..Kd+HHJ"PƨzKh`L^h^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohpp^p`OJQJo(hHh@ @ ^@ `OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohPP^P`OJQJo(hHh ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh | | ^| `OJQJo(h LL^L`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(h ^`OJQJo(oh \\^\`OJQJo(^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.zKh"PKd+                   S"%A)<{KF^bgslk ?[\R"Of@@UnknownG*Ax Times New Roman5Symbol3. *Cx Arial?= *Cx Courier New;WingdingsACambria Math"qhgg((!24 3QHX)?%2!xx Committee on Faculty GovernanceFrances Hoffmann Mark Fermann   Oh+'0`x   ( 4@HPX Committee on Faculty GovernanceFrances Hoffmann Normal.dotmMark Fermann2Microsoft Office Word@@+@+(՜.+,D՜.+,\ hp  С College  Committee on Faculty Governance Title 8@ _PID_HLINKSADxChttp://cms.skidmore.edu/academic_affairs/secure/handbook/index.cfm  !"#$%&')*+,-./1234567:Root Entry FPj +<Data 1TableM#WordDocument*SummaryInformation((DocumentSummaryInformation80CompObjr  F Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q