Scribner Seminar Program
Fall 2024
Below is a listing of the Scribner Seminars offered in Fall 2024. Descriptions of the seminars are linked to the titles, and the number to the left is the section number of the course; during registration, these numbers distinguish each seminar within the SSP 100 class listing.
Please keep in mind that the below information is subject to change and that some Scribner Seminars may have a class time or 4th credit hour session in the late afternoon or early evening.
(001) Buzz: Art and Design of Caffeine
Instructor: Mimi Hellman
W/F 10:10a-12:00p
(024) Dynamics of Chaos
Instructor: Rachel Roe-Dale
M/W 2:30p-4:20p
(002) Walking Saratoga: Taking Steps to Discover "Home" in New Places
Instructor: Tammy Owens
T/TR 9:10a-11:00a
(025) Making Mathematics
Instructor: Csilla Szabo
W/F 8:40a-10:00a
M 9:05a-10:00a
(003) My Online Friends: Digital Cultures and Navigating the Metaverse
Instructor: Bernardo Rios
M/W 12:20p-1:40p
F 12:20p-1:15p
(004) Durable Objects
Instructor: John Galt
T/TR 3:40p-5:30p
(028) The Business of Food- Section 1
Instructor: Caroline D'Abate
W 10:10a-11:30a
F 11:00a-1:20p
(005) Connecting Threads: Exploring the History of Textile Art
Instructor: Sang-Wook Lee
T/TR 9:40a-11:00a
T 6:30p-7:25p
(029) The Business of Food- Section 2
Instructor: Caroline D'Abate
W 12:20p-1:40p
F 11:00a-1:20p
(006) LatinX Expression: Color in Culture
Instructor: Fabian Lopez
T/TR 9:10a-11:00a
(030) Music on the Move
Instructor: Charlotte D'Evelyn
T/TR 12:40p-2:00p
M 12:20p-1:15p
(007) In the Light of Death
Instructor: Benjamin Bogin
W/F 8:40a-10:00a
M 9:05a-10:00a
(031) Making Things Right
Instructor: Larry Jorgensen
T/TR 2:10p-3:30p
T 6:30p-7:25p
(008) Plagues and Their Power on Human Society- Section 1
Instructor: Sylvia McDevitt
W/F 10:10a-12:00p
(032) Soldiers, Diplomats, and Spies: The Art of Politics by Other Means
Instructor: Yelena Biberman-Ocaklie
T/TR 9:40a-11:00a
M 9:05a-10:00a
(009) Plagues and Their Power on Human Society- Section 2
Instructor: Sylvia McDevitt
T/TR 9:10a-11a
(033) The Killing State: Capital Punishment in America
Instructor: Beau Breslin
M/W 2:30p-4:20p
(010) Power, Protest, and Embodied Resistance: The Body, Image, and Identity
Instructor: Kieron Sargeant
M/W 2:30p-3:50p
TR 6:30p-7:25p
(034) My Therapist is a Robot: Technology and Psychotherapy
Instructor: Lucas LaFreniere
T/TR 11:10a-12:30p
T 6:30p-7:25p
(035) Beliefs 小福利导航 Social Identity
Instructor: Leigh Wilton
T/TR 11:10a-12:30p
W 5:00p-5:55p
(012) Competition
Instructor: Patrick Reilly
M/W 8:10a-10:00a
(036) The American (In)Justic System
Instructor: Daniel Peterson
T/TR 9:40a-11:00a
M 3:00p-3:55p
(013) Ekphrasis: Creative Writing 小福利导航 Visual Art
Instructor: April Bernard
W/F 12:20p-2:10p
(037) Reading Minds: The History and Science of Literacy
Instuctor: Rebecca Johnson
W/F 10:10a-11:30a
M 10:10a-11:05a
(014) Timely
Instructor: Barbara Black
T/TR 11:10a-12:30p
W 7:00p-7:55p
(038) Imagination, Innovation, and the Impossible
Instuctor: Kendrah Murphy
W/F 12:20p-1:40p
M 12:20p-1:15p
(015) Sexualities/Textualities
Instructor: Mason Stokes
T/TR 11:10a-12:30p
W 6:30p-7:25p
(039) Nonhuman Worlds
Instructor: Alexandra Prince
W/F 12:20p-2:10p
(016) Extraordinary Bodies
Instructor: Susannah Mintz
M/W 2:30p-3:50p
W 6:00p-6:55p
(040) Freedom Dreams and the Black Radical Imagination
Instructor: Jennifer Mueller
M/W 2:30p-4:20p
(017) Myth and Modernity
Instructor: Joseph Cermatori
T/TR 11:10a-12:30p
W 6:30p-7:25p
(041) Eating and Being: Food, Culture, and Identity
Instructor: Xiaoshuo Hou
T/TR 12:40p-2:00p
M 12:20p-1:15p
(018) Nature With and Without Us
Instructor: Bakary Diaby
T/TR 3:40p-5:30p
(042) Robots, Cyborgs, and A.I., Oh My!: Theater and Technology
T/TR 3:40p-5:30p
(019) Environmental Advocacy Bootcamp: A Toolbox for Saving the World
Instructor: Andrew Schneller
T/TR 3:40p-5:30p
(043) Being Your Self
Instructor: Catherine Talley
T/TR 12:40p-2:00p
M 12:20p-1:15p
(020) Transnational Women of Color Feminisms
Instructor: Gwen D'Arcangelis
W/F 12:20p-2:10p
(044) Challenges of Migration
Instructor: Abel Arango
T/TR 8:10a-9:30a
M 8:00a-8:55a
(021) Sport, Self and Society
Instructor: Jeffrey Segrave
T/TR 11:10a-12:30p
M 11:15a-12:10p
(046) Chaos Finds a Voice: The Politics of Identity in the US/Mexico Borderlands
Instructor: Diana Barnes
T/TR 2:10p-3:30p
M 1:25p-2:20p
(022) Sailing the Seas with Captain Cook
Instructor: Tillman Nechtman
W/F 8:40a-10:00a
M 9:05a-10:00a
(047) Famine, Plague, and Warfare in 14th Century London
Instructor: Erica Bastress-Dukehart
W/F 8:40a-10:00a
M 9:05a-10:00a
(023) Brasilidade: Contestations and Culture in Brazil
Instructor: Rachel Cantave
W/F 10:10a-12:00p
London- First Year Experience
The World Through Maps (London Edition)
Instructor: Jordana Dym
No Place to Hide: Surveillance in Bentham's and Orwell's London
Instructor: Scott Mulligan