Shared Senior Recitals
Seniors wishing to present shared recitals will present a double jury (approximately 15-20 minutes long) in the presence of at least two faculty members, which includes their studio instructors. The audition length should reflect half of their program. Shared recitals may not be longer than 75 minutes including intermission and stage changes. These students do not enroll in MP375, and are not candidates for Departmental Honors.
If the faculty approves the recital audition, the student С¸£Àûµ¼º½ preparation for completion of the recital in the following semester.
Shared recitals are not considered for capstone projects for senior music majors.
Scheduling of shared recitals will occur once all solo recitals have been scheduled. Since there are limited recital dates available in the concert hall, seniors are encouraged to perform shared recitals in alternate spaces such as the Filene Hall in the Filene Building or Wilson Chapel. All recitals must be scheduled with the Zankel Managing Director.
If you wish to perform a shared senior recital, please complete this brief information form.