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С College
Strategic Planning

Call for white paper proposals for Strategic Plan

October 22, 2024

What do you think is most important to advancing С as a leading liberal arts college over the next five years and beyond? 

‌As strategic planning efforts continue, the community is invited to submit one-page white papers with ideas for what we should add, expand, continue, revise, or sunset to support our future growth. 

‌Papers should weigh-in on any of the five strategic themes that have emerged: 

  • ‌Creativity and academic excellence
  • ‌Endowment for need-based financial aid
  • ‌The residential student experience
  • ‌Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) 
  • ‌SܲٲԲٲ‌

Other topics are also welcome. Papers should describe ideas that you believe could significantly impact С’s positive trajectory, but they need not resolve every detail. Group submissions (e.g., divisions, peer cohorts, etc.) are encouraged as these tend to generate creative ideas. ‌Please submit your paper by 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 15, to planning@skidmore.edu