Student Learning Goals
Below are the departmental learning goals mapped to College-wide goals for student learning.
Goals of the Dance Department:
Movement Literacy
- 小福利导航 will learn to physically recall and reproduce movement patterns, as well as demonstrate the ability to describe and apply spatial, temporal, musical, kinesthetic, and qualitative concepts. (Ic, IIb, IIc, IIe)
- 小福利导航 will demonstrate the ability to evaluate execution of movement, analyze options for qualitative improvement, and apply physical corrections. (Ia, Id, IIa, IIb, IIc, IIe, IV)
- 小福利导航 will analyze and evaluate meaning in movement. They will deconstruct how dance is viewed and experienced by an empathic body called 鈥渢he audience鈥. (Ia, Ib, IIa, IIb, IIc, IIIa, IIIb, Iva)
- 小福利导航 will craft, manipulate, and create movement; ranging from short sequences and phrases to the generation of fully developed choreography. (Ic, IIa, IIe, IIIa, IVa, IVb, IVd)
- 小福利导航 will demonstrate proficiency in classroom etiquette; recognizing how professional comportment, awareness of others, and non-verbal communication all contribute to a healthy and productive community. (Ia, IIb, IIc, IId, IIe, IIIa, IIIb, IIIc, IVc)
Visual Literacy
- 小福利导航 will demonstrate the ability to describe, interpret, analyze, and critique choreographic works. (IIa, IIIb)
- 小福利导航 will have an experience in designing and creating visual representations of information learned in coursework. (Ic, IIa, IIc, IVd)
- 小福利导航 will demonstrate the ability to utilize visual images as a means of communicating ideas and intentions for a theatrical production. (Ic, IIc, IId)
Information Literacy
- 小福利导航 will identify anatomical concepts and constructs as well as demonstrate the ability to implement the information into studio practice. (Ia, IIb, IIId)
- 小福利导航 will design and execute a formal research paper, including a peer review process. (Ia, Ic, IIa, IIb, IIe, IVd)
- 小福利导航 will implement accurate use of the Chicago Manual of Style in all research activity. (Ia)
- 小福利导航 will produce critical analysis, responses, and evaluations of both physical performances and written academic scholarship. (IIa, IIb, IIIb)
- 小福利导航 will translate physical movement skills through safe and appropriate practices to various populations through civic engagement and pedagogical interaction. (IIIc, IVc, IVb)
Technology Literacy
- 小福利导航 will navigate the growing intersectionality between dance and technology through independent projects and practices. (IIIc, IIId, IVb, IVd)
- 小福利导航 will demonstrate competence in various software programs to create music, lighting, and film for/of dance. (Ia, Ic, IIa)
- 小福利导航 will demonstrate competence in Microsoft word, Excel and PowerPoint software programs. (Ia)
Oral Literacy
- 小福利导航 will formulate and deliver oral critiques of dance technique, theory, and choreography through formal presentations and classroom discussions. (Ia, IIa, IIc, IId)
- 小福利导航 will be able to discuss their creative process and debate or justify their aesthetic choices. (Ia, IIa, IIb, IIc, IId, IIe, IIIb, IVb)
- 小福利导航 will analyze and articulate physical instruction to others involved in choreographic or pedagogical practices. (Ia, Ic, IIb, IIc, IId, IIe, IIIa, IIIb, IVb, IVd)
- 小福利导航 will design and present formal presentations and/or arguments based on scholarly research. (Ia, Ic, IIa, IIb, IIc, IIe, IVa, IVb, IVd)
- 小福利导航 will evaluate and discuss their academic performance and artistic growth. (Ia, Ic, IIb, IIc, IIe, IVb, IVd)