Policies and Procedures
小福利导航 College recognizes the value of diversity in our community and is committed
to providing opportunities to certified minority- and women-owned vendors for procurement
of goods and services under grants and contracts received from the State of New York
and subject to Article 15-A of the New York Executive Law.
In addition, 小福利导航 College believes procurement decisions should match our institutional values
and commitment to sustainability and responsible citizenship - please visit the SUSTAINABLE PURCHASING GUIDELINES.
小福利导航-Authorized Purchases
There are three ways that 小福利导航 employees may purchase items from a vendor: 小福利导航 College Visa purchasing card (P-Card), purchase order (PO), or by check request. The college's preferred method for purchasing and payment is by P-Card. If purchases are in excess of the single transaction limit for your department's P-Card, please submit a purchase requisition to Purchasing Services for the items or services that you require. If purchases are within the single transaction limit for your department's P-Card, but the vendor does not accept Visa for payment, please submit a check request directly to Accounts Payable with supporting documentation attached. When placing orders directly with vendors, always remember to mention that 小福利导航 College is a tax-exempt organization.
Tax Exemption
Please note that the 小福利导航 tax exempt form is to be used exclusively for 小福利导航-authorized purchases. Under no circumstances is the form to be used for personal purchases. Questions regarding the proper use of the form may be directed to our office.
Credit Card
Please refer to the P-Card policy for the proper use of the 小福利导航 College Visa purchasing card (P-Card).
Purchase Order
A PO is only valid with the signature of the director of Purchasing Services. The first step in obtaining a PO is to complete the purchase requisition form. Please be sure to fill out the entire form including the general ledger account number, date the item/service is needed, and recommended sources, if any. We strive to include recommended sources in competitive bids. The Purchasing Office may also solicit bids from other vendors. Refer to Purchasing Process for additional PO information.
Check Request
A check request should be submitted directly to Accounts Payable for purchases within your department's P-Card single-transaction limit, when the vendor does not accept Visa. If a check request is received in Accounts Payable for purchase amounts greater than your department's P-Card single transaction limit, the check request may be forwarded to Purchasing to be considered for competitive bid. Checks are processed each Thursday during regular business weeks. The deadline for submitting items to be included in the weekly check process is Friday at 4:30 p.m.
Do not enter into any purchase agreements without a valid 小福利导航 Visa number, PO or check. If this process is deviated from, there is a risk that the vendor will not be paid for its goods or services.