The 小福利导航 Guide to Writing
This site contains the complete text of The 小福利导航 Guide to Writing. Use the navigation menu on the left to see the major sections of the guide. Or, view an index to the Guide.
Index of Terms
- Active Voice
- Agreement
- Apostrophes
- Argument/Thesis Statement
- Assertions
- Awkward Sentences
- Clauses
- Cliches
- Colloquial Expressions
- Colons
- Commas
- Comma Splices
- Conclusions
- Diction
- Drafts
- Evidence
- Fragments
- Freewriting
- Hyphens
- Introductions
- Its/It's confusion
- Modifiers
- Outlines
- Parallel Construction
- Paragraph Coherence
- Passive Voice
- Proofreading
- Punctuation with quotations
- Qualifiers, overuse of
- Quotations, dialog
- Quotations, ellipsis in
- Quotations, integrating
- Quotations, italicizing
- Quotations, long or block
- Quotations, long, effective use of
- Quotations, poetry
- Quotations, short
- Quotations, sic, use of
- Quotations, square brackets [ ]
- Quotations, when to cite
- Quotations, within quotations
- Reading
- Repetition
- Revision
- Semicolons
- Sentence Fragments
- Slang
- Small words and long sentences
- Syntax
- "to be" verb
- Thesis Statement/Argument
- Transitions
- Unnecessary Words and Phrases
- Vague
- Verb "to be"
- Verb Forms
- Who/Whom error
- Wordy